Friday, March 20, 2009

Parkway Part II/Internet rant

This crazy idea is stirring around in my head, and I can't get it out. Why don't I take over the Parkway theater and make that my next phase? Wouldn't it be fun to run a theater? Especially one as cool as the Parkway? I only live two blocks from it. I could just walk to work like I used to do in Rio.

A little diversion: Although this is a blog and all, I'm starting to feel pretty pissed off at the Internet lately.

The list of Internet casualties keeps growing and swallowing up some of my favorite things in the world: Newspapers, book stores, record stores, Homefinders (a small business in the East Bay that used to help people find apartments and such), video rental stores, the list goes on, or maybe it doesn't.

Sure, I enjoy reading Roger Ebert, Romenesko and other stuff online and it's great that I know my Facebook friend is cooking paella at this moment, but people, have our lives really gotten any better because of the Internet? I don't know. Sure, is great, and you can now slay ogres alongside your fellow elf who's really a South Korean boy, but the Internet's also gutting communities and what used to be community fixtures. Newspapers, for one, but also small businesses that are seeing their revenue taken over by Amazon and iTunes. Yes, I know Amazon sends customers to small bookstores too, but overall, it's killed far more bookstores than it's saved.

But you know what, I think things will start turning around again, and people will be seeking real live, not virtual communities again. That's why movie ticket sales are up these days. You'd think what with Netflix and everything else, movie theaters would be on their way out like newspapers. But no, we all still want tactile community, the big experience, it's primitive and necessary.

So what could be more "back to the basics" than taking over the Parkway? Anyone out there wanna join me? How about you New Yorkers reading this? I don't think you guys have anything like the Parkway out there. Maybe Michael can start one there. We'd have Parkway East and Parkway West. Now, that's old school. Like the Fillmore East and West...

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