Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jack vs. Bernie Madoff, who will win?

Yes, folks it's the fight of the Century: Acabou o Carnaval's very Jack Chang vs. Bernie Madoff. You see, Jack is bugging about the end of an era. There will be no more newspapers and that will be a bad thing. But Que Sera Sera, if you get my drift. Bernie Madoff saw that and in that way he was just more prescient than all the others. Of course, he hasn't said why he done what he did, but I have a clue. He looked at the whole damn thing and saw it was all one giant Ponzi, pyramid, what have you. And so he said, why not take it to its logical extreme. Remember years ago, (I don't remember how many years ago) Albania fell apart over a giant Ponzi scheme and we all laughed and thought: "Those poor stupid Albanians." But really, look at the stock market and think about it. Think about swapoptions for what they're worth. Think about the whole damn stupid thing_ it's all one big pyramid scheme when you get down to it. Like why did I used to have to fly economy class or take the bus to cover stories that were printed around the world and my step-mother, a bank vice-president, had to fly business class to travel around the world moving money. Don't kid yourself, one job is not more important than the other. In fact, bankers are really not that great shakes at all, and yet they say "if you limit the top salaries there will be a brain drain," as if a balance sheet really requires much more than a good calculator. Okay, an average calculator and a functional brain. But this is the skewed logic we've been dealing with and worse yet, it's the language of power. I believe newspapers will disappear and that will be a sad thing. I don't believe the press will disappear, if it did, it would be a bad thing. Though, during the run-up to the Iraq war, the press essentially did disappear and the newspapers were still around. But let's get real, someone's going to have to tell the story and someone is going to have be better renumerated to tell it around the clock and realiably. They just won't be telling it in the newspapers. So get used to it.

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