Friday, April 3, 2009

The Bitch is Back

Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately but yes, that unpleasant experience from last week dampened my appetite for writing the blog. I'm trying to figure out how to navigate all this. I was talking to a friend Sunday about the whole episode, and he said he had no clue why anyone would put themselves out there like that with twitter, Facebook, blogs and the like. Why cause yourself trouble and reveal yourself to people who may not have your best interests at heart? Why create trouble for yourself? What do you get out of it?

I kind of agreed at the time, especially just days after the blog fiasco. I mean, I've been enjoying doing the blog, and it really is my only creative outlet these days, but what am I getting out of it? It seemed the potential for harm, as demonstrated last week, outweighed the potential for good.

So I've had trouble figuring out what to write now. I've opened the "New Post" page a few times over the past week and hemmed and hawed, maybe even typed a few words, but then closed the page. OK, I've pledged not to write about my old company at all, not that I wrote about it very much before, but why share personal details with the whole world?

But then again, should I let all this silence me? I'm still trying to figure it out. Maybe, I'll just post pictures of cute animals like in cute overload. Or talk about the 5K I ran last Saturday in Napa, my first ever race. Or just keep it to Brazil nostalgia. Or why write anything? Is all this communication doing anybody any good? Still figuring it out. Will report back.

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